Friday, January 7, 2011

The Lady of The Lake

Nivian stirred from her sleep at the bottom of Lake Avalon.

She rose off the sandy floor, stretched her arms and then smoothed her long white dress.

She walked along the lake bottom in spiked stiletto high-heeled shoes which in her opinion was a major accomplishment.

She looked up towards the surface of the lake and noticed the ice was gone.

She looked in the direction of her huge hour glass (which actually covered many days) and counting the grains of sand still left realized it couldn't be spring yet.

In fact it was still early January.

So why was the ice gone?....


Someone was here to get the sword...


According to the prophecy, someone would come to this lake and ask her for the sword.

The sword that made a man invincible in battle.

The sword that had once belonged to Saint Michael the Archangel when he had cast the Devil out of the heavens.

Why Michael had thrown the sword here in this lake after he had cast Lucifer out of the heavens she did not know.

But she had been told by her grandmother and her mother that someday a man would come asking for the sword.

And she was to give it to him if he was the right man.

What was the man's name? she had asked.

A name in sound like Arcturis she was told- Arcturis the spectral bear spirit that guarded the planet Arcturis in another galaxy.

And how would she know he was the right Arcturis? she had asked.

The man would have an atrocious haircut she was told.

Nivian swam up to the surface of the lake and gazed towards the shore.

She noticed two men standing on the beach.

One was dressed in the white robes of a Druid and had long gray hair and a long gray beard and leaned on a staff.

The other was dressed like a high-ranking nobleman of some sort and had a black beard and black hair.

If the younger man's name was anything like Arcturis in sound, he would definitely qualify (with his ghastly haircut) to be the intended recipient of the sword.

To be continued.

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