So, having agreed on a plan of action, the three scientists left the George And Dragon Pub just a few minutes after midnight on Easter Sunday morning April 24th 2011.
Their first stop was the Scotland Yard lab where Dr. Nicht Werhoffen removed from a jar what was left of the brain of Giza Investments Ltd. CEO Trevor Fontaine.
They then dropped by the Set Enterprises lab where Dr. Cadbury Rocher removed from a jar part of the heart of the ancient Egyptian deity Atum-Ra.
Dr. Sterling Makabo then went to see a Gypsy spiritist medium (a real one who could actually see spirits and not just claimed to see spirits) named Psychedelia to accompany them to Highgate Cemetery and on the way see if there were any disembodied spirits wandering the streets of London in search of a body.
It just so happened there was.
The spirit of the slain ancient Egyptian vampire Horus was busy wandering the streets of London ever since he lost his earthly channel Trevor Fontaine.
The three scientists and Psychedelia invited him along for the nocturnal ride (metaphorically speaking).
They then arrived at Highgate Cemetery where Dr. Nicht Werhoffen's Stasi burglary break-and-enter skills came in handy.
They entered the mausoleum of Heathcliff Dionysus Campbell where Dr. Cadbury Rocher had heard the body of the slain and popular Death Heavy Metal Lord Stryker had been put.
They took the lid off the sarcophagus where Stryker's body lay.
Dr. Werhoffen made an incision in Stryker's skull where he poured in pieces of Trevor Fontaine's brain.
He then sewed up the incision.
Dr. Rocher made an incision into Stryker's heart where he then inserted part of the heart of Atum-Ra.
He then sewed up the incision.
Dr. Sterling Makabo then used his black magic skills to re-animate Stryker's corpse and bring it back to life.
As the corpse was re-animated, the Gypsy medium Psychedelia told the disembodied vampiric spirit of Horus to now enter the body.
Of course at that moment, the ghost of the Heavy Metal rocker Stryker also happened to walk by and seeing his body restored to life- likewise chose to re-enter his body at the same time as the spirit of Horus.
Makabo cast the spell sealing the spirits inside the body at that moment.
"Shit, you've got two spirits in there," Dr. Nicht Werhoffen cried out.
"Oh well, this Resurrected entity will just happen to have a split personality," Dr. Cadbury Rocher shrugged, "maybe in his spare time he can get a blog at Xanga since there are a number of Xanga bloggers who seem to have split and multiple personalities."
"We must take him back to the Set Enterprises lab to inject him with that eternal life synthetic blood you're working on," Dr. Makabo said.
"Indeed," Rocher agreed.
At that moment, the 3 scientists and the gypsy medium could hear drunken shouting nearby.
"Let's get out of here," said Werhoffen.
The other two scientists and the gypsy medium followed leaving behind a totally confused Resurrected entity inside the mausoleum.
The drunken shouting was being done by a British bank executive who was shouting to the dead (in case, they could hear it) that Communism would probably rise again.
And this was what Mikhail Gorbachev planned all along, the banker shouted.
Unlike others in the Soviet Politbureau who were just in it for the power, Gorbachev was a Marxist-Leninist true believer.
So Gorbachev let the eastern European satellites go and allowed for the dissolution of the Soviet Union knowing that the West would be lulled to sleep.
And when the inevitable collapse of total laissez-faire capitalism came as Gorbachev knew it would, the globalized interconnected and inter-related and interdependent nations of the world would willingly embrace a Marxist one-world government.
The banker then started vomiting over Karl Marx's tomb.
And continued to vomit there the rest of the night and early morning.
Until Stryker's three mini-skirted groupie young women happened to pass him.
And the 3 women would spot the empty tomb.
And would see the empty coffin.
And Miranda the redhead would be the first to see the risen Stryker that Easter Sunday morn.
To be continued.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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