"Colossal London mansion of billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set," Renfield answered, "This is Renfield R. Renfield Chief of Security and Intelligence Gathering For Set Enterprises speaking."
"Is Mr. Set in?" an exasperated voice asked.
"I'm sorry," Renfield replied, "seeing as how it is still daylight, Mr. Set is currently napping in his sarcophagus."
"Are you the one in charge then?" the exasperated voice asked.
"I am," Renfield answered.
"Well, this is the Blue Bell Bakery calling," said the exasperated voice, "just to let you know that Mr. Set's cyborg Sophia is going beserk with the cupcakes in this place. She's eating them all and the more she eats the more she goes on a sugar high and the crazier she becomes."
"I'll be right there," Renfield put the phone down, "hm. Eating that many cupcakes is surely the sign of an addiction. And an addiction is a weakness in my opinion." He finished eating his 99th tuna fish sandwich of the morning and ran to the door.
Amadeus Emanon followed him- eating his 50th bag of potato chips for the day.
* * *
Later in the Blue Bell Bakery, the short skirted redhead Cyborg Sophia was dancing on top of the counter in her spiked stiletto heels and singing, "Friday. Friday. Gotta get down on Friday."
"But it's Monday," Amadeus pointed at the calendar.
"Just another manic Monday," Sophia kicked up her heels and did a juggling routine with the few remaining cupcakes in the Blue Bell Bakery.
Renfield fired a tranquilizer dart at the Cyborg.
She collapsed on the counter.
"Who's going to pay for the damages?" the Blue Bell Bakery owner demanded to know.
Renfield fired a tranquilizer dart at him as well.
"Okay," Renfield threw the short skirted Cyborg over his shoulder, "let's get out of here."
To be continued.
Sexy Cyborg Sophia: Please don't feed her cupcakes.
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