Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why China's New Leader Xi Jinping Is Ticked With Renfield

"So have you figured out how to woo both Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley?" Amadeus asked as he choked on his hot chocolate.

"Well I heard on CNN last night that a FBI agent on the case once sent a photo of himself topless to Jill Kelley, " Renfield grinned, "so I've just emailed photos of myself topless to both Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley." He pushed a button on his iPhone.

Amadeus looked over his shoulder, "Are you sure you emailed the correct addresses?".

"Of course I did," Renfield harrumphed, "to the private email addresses of both women... oops!... I inadvertently sent one to the private email address of Xi Jinping the new General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party by mistake...."

* * *

Minutes later Renfield broke out into a cold sweat, "I just read on Xi Jinping's Twitter feed that he's ordered the Chinese Secret Service to bump me off..."

"Well," Amadeus ate his egg roll, "I'd be sure to watch how much monosodium glutamate is put on your food when you order in Chinese restaurants in the future."

To be continued.

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