Sunday, August 4, 2013

McFrankenstein Hamburger

McFrankenstein Hamburger

"I see the world's first lab-grown hamburger is to be cooked and eaten at a press conference in London tomorrow," Amadeus Emanon the world's first genetically created concert pianist remarked to his friend Renfield R. Renfield the world's first genetically created human/hamster shapeshifter.

"I know," Renfield grinned like the fox who had just eaten the chicken.

"What are you up to?"  Amadeus asked Renfield,  "Did you sneak into the Maastricht University lab and do something to that lab grown hamburger patty?".

"You know the practical  joker I am," Renfield grinned like a Pasadena community college social sciences professor who had gone beyond sexting and had actually managed to get into a porn star's panties,  "just watch the press conference tomorrow and you'll find out for yourself."

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Sunday August 4th

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