Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pan Goatee Living The High Life

Pan Goatee Living The High Life

Pan Goatee was living the high life in a penthouse apartment in Washington D. C.

Two months ago he had been detained by Egyptian customs authorities in Cairo for not having a valid visa.

So he took out his astral machete and killed them all.

Hearing of this, DARPA employee Jack Jarvis who had been assigned to track down the astral projecting serial killer immediately flew to Egypt.

Finding Pan Goatee atop the Great Pyramid where he was asking "Where's the Capstone?", Jarvis asked him to come work for the U.S. government as a hired assassin carrying out targeted killings on behalf of dear old Uncle Sam.

Pan Goatee agreed.

So now here he was living the high life living in a penthouse apartment with a great view of the Potomac and being paid an obscenely luxurious salary carrying out targeted killings and assassinations for the  U.S. government.

Even better he was still being paid that salary despite the  U. S. government shutdown that had occurred today since being a hired assassin astral projecting killer was deemed an essential service by the government.

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
 Tuesday October 1st 2013

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