Saturday, October 3, 2015

Netanyahu: When ET's Friend Phones You Not Home

Netanyahu: When ET's Friend Phones You Not Home

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sitting in the back of a diplomatic limousine in Manhattan after having delivered a passionate speech at the UN General Assembly in New York City.

At his side was the Mossad agent known as the Controller of The Golem.

The phone in the limousine rang.

The Prime Minister looked at the number.

He recognized the number of the U.S. National Security Council in Washington D.C.

"Hello," the Prime Minister of Israel picked up the receiver.

"Mr. Prime Minister, this is a friend," the voice said, "you must give up all control over the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem itself."

"Who is this?" The Israeli Prime Minister demanded to know.

"And you must give up all control over the West Bank," the voice said, "We know this was part of the land promised to you by The Lord God of Israel but he's just an extraterrestrial- an astronaut from another world - He's not the Supreme Creator of the Universe. We have the evidence to prove it which we will share with you at a future date. But in the meantime don't hold on to the Temple Mount, East Jerusalem and settlement areas  in the West Bank areas as if they were part of some divine mandate."

"Who is this?" The Prime Minister was furiously angry.

The phone clicked.

And went dead.

The Prime Minister looked over at the Controller of The Golem.

"It was probably a hacker/prankster with a really bad sense of humour, Mr. Prime Minister," the Controller assured him, "one who's watched one too many episodes of that American TV program Ancient Aliens."

"Maybe," the Prime Minister looked thoughtful, "or maybe something much more sinister."

Outside the limousine, some New York City doomsayer held up a placard that bore a verse from II Thessalonians Chapter 2, "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." -II Thessalonians 2: 11.

A billboard across the street read, "God was just an astronaut."

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Thursday October 1st

Sent from my iPhone

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