Tuesday, September 21, 2010

London At Night

Sometimes it was nice to get away from Renfield.

To get away from the mansion.

To get away from the feeling of darkness that hovered over him in the mansion and with Renfield.

Amadeus stood looking at the bright lights of London.

How alive this city felt.

It indeed felt like the hub of the world.

It was no longer the capital of a vast empire but it felt like the place where everything happened.

What was parliament planning?

What were the money markets of the City of London planning?

Who was asleep in the City tonight?

Who was awake in the City tonight?

What was stirring?

His boss the multi-billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set would be out walking the streets in search of human blood.

Renfield would be on his computer in the mansion or down at the Set Enterprises lab hatching his latest scheme for power and control and ultimately world domination.

And he?

What was he Amadeus doing?

Observing the bright lights of the City of London.

For one brief hour- freedom.

Freedom from Renfield.

Freedom from Set.

Freedom from- well God knows what.

Amadeus strolled the streets towards home- if indeed home is what one could call the Set mansion.

Worshipped as a deity in ancient Egypt, Set was considered the god of the night and of the desert.

When one considered Set and his mansion in the great metropolis of London, Amadeus thought to himself, how little has changed in 3000 years.

To be continued.

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