Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Vampiress Morgana In Astana, Khazakhstan

The Welsh Vampiress Morgana was in the Kazakhstani capital of Astana.

She had received a text message from the ancient Canaanite god Moloch inviting her to be there.

Strange the Vampiress Morgana thought as she stood there in her red evening dress.

Everyone was using text messages these days.

Even ancient Canaanite gods.

A 14-year-old girl named Maria had been found wandering the streets of Moscow homeless by Dr. Nicht Werhoffen the FSB disciple of Moloch.

She was blonde and pretty.

She could easily have wound up in the Russian Mafia's sex trade if Dr. Werhoffen hadn't found her.

But this girl would now serve a more important purpose than serving the pleasures of men.

She would serve the pleasures of demons.

There were many pretty and young homeless girls walking the darkened streets and back alleys of Moscow if one knew where to look.

And Dr. Nicht Werhoffen knew where to look.

So why this girl and not some other?

"What is your name?" Dr. Werhoffen had asked the pretty young blonde girl with Mediterranean blue eyes.

"Maria," she had replied.

What's in a name? Shakespeare had once asked.

Well in the case of Maria, the fact that she had this name Maria explained why she was now tied in ropes aboard a circular wooden altar whose center was a wooden globe of the world and attached to the wooden globe were wooden spokes signed by representatives of 17 different religions across the globe.

And Moloch had been very specific.

A young virgin female named Maria must be sacrificed on this date- September 15th, 2010 in this very place.

Dr. Werhoffen had found a girl named Maria. An examination of her vagina showed an intact hymen.

Dr. Werhoffen was surprised that a 14-year-old virgin female would actually exist in post-Soviet Russia.

The Welsh Vampiress Morgana being a follower of the ancient Celtic religions knew how to sacrifice.

The knife the red dress vampiress held came down and cut out young Maria's ovaries.

She then placed the ovaries in a small statue of Moloch (whose center was a small fiery furnace) that sat atop the wooden globe in the pyramid shaped Palace of Peace and Harmony in the Kazakhstani capital of Astana.

The ovaries were then burnt.

Morgana then helped herself to a bottle of Coca-Cola from a nearby cooler.

She smiled with her vampiric incisors and then sat atop the wooden globe with her legs spread, singing, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..."

"Are they filming a Lady Gaga music video in here?" a tourist asked his wife after he had inadvertently witnessed the spectacle.

To be continued.

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