Thursday, December 20, 2012

Russian Sub In English Bay

Captain Nikolai Soloviev looked  through the periscope aboard his Russian submarine.

He had been specially selected for this mission.

Because he was one of Russia's few submarine captains who had the ability to escape detection by the ever careful watchful eye of the Royal Canadian Navy.

Now here he was with his submarine in English Bay just off the shoreline of the city of Vancouver B.C.

He was watching.

Watching and waiting.

Waiting for the right moment he had been ordered to shoot with his submarine's laser death ray (a weapon the Russians assured the Obama Administration that they didn't have and the Obama Administration fell for it) either a bright intense flash of light or possibly a spacecraft if it suddenly appeared in the sky over English Bay tomorrow night on the evening of December 21st 2012.

Captain Soloviev had read in an Eyes Only document sent to him by the Kremlin that the intense flash of light or spacecraft would be carrying an ancient Egyptian vampire from outer space.

Captain Soloviev wondered whether one of his masters in the Kremlin had been watching too many episodes of some spaced-out program on ancient aliens or Nostradamus on America's History Channel.

But still he had his orders.

And if it turned out to be true, no ancient Egyptian vampire however powerful would be getting past his sub's laser death ray.

To be continued.

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