Monday, December 3, 2012

The Black Squirrel And The Drunken Sailboat

A black squirrel ran up the sidewalk
and up the tree.
A black squirrel?
I didn't know there was such an animal.
In Alberta, the only squirrels I saw 
were either red, gray or brown.
But walking a Vancouver street 
I encounter a black squirrel.
So I guess there are black squirrels.
Either that or this squirrel is 
the black sheep of the family.  :p

But I wonder...
would a black squirrel
ever sail the Black Pearl
with the mummy of a Pharaoh
and Captain Jack Sparrow?

-written by Christopher
 3:30 PM Monday afternoon
 December 3rd 2012

The Drunken Sailboat

I think I see a drunken sailboat
how I wonder does it keep afloat?
with its captain a gizzard
and its helmsman a goat.

-written by Christopher
 circa 2:30 PM Monday afternoon
 December 3rd 2012.

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