Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday and The Festival of the Lupercalia

The date February 13th 2013.

As Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his last public Mass on this year's Ash Wednesday, Welsh werewolf British Labour MP Magog Rhys Petley was also in Rome marking the 2-day start of the old pagan Roman Festival of the Lupercalia.

He read someone was reviving the Festival this year and decided to try it.

He ran through the streets of Rome totally naked except for a girdle of goatskin (he found it a bit nippy at this time of year).

As he ran through the streets of Rome, his newly found girlfriend Lepardia Marango (cultural attache at the South African Embassy in London) wearing a goatskin sweater, black leather micro mini skirt, black silk fishnet nylons and black spiked dominatrix boots whipped him on the backside.

A photographer for one of London's tabloid newspapers snapped a picture.

And so that was how Wednesday February 13th 2013 was marked in Rome.

The last public Mass of Pope Benedict XVI's Petrine Ministry marked Ash Wednesday.

And Magog Rhys Petley celebrated the start of the Lupercalia by running through the streets naked and getting whipped on his buttocks.

As that old Age of Aquarius song Desiderata from the 1960s would have put it, "No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should..."

To be continued.

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