Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Renfield Writes A Justin Bieber Commercial For American Express

Renfield Writes A Justin Bieber Commercial For American Express

Renfield R. Renfield had recently developed a penchant for writing TV commercials and submitting them to Madison Avenue advertising agencies.

He announced to Amadeus Emanon that he had just written a commercial for the American Express card- one that would have Justin Bieber in it.

"Let's hear it,"  Amadeus sighed.

                   .            .             .

Justin Bieber smiled at the camera.

"Hi,"  Justin grinned,  "do you know me?".

"Unless I'm wearing an orange jump suit and have numbers in front of me like in my Florida police mug shots, most people don't recognize me."

"That's why I got one of these."

Justin Bieber holds up an American Express card with his name Justin Bieber on it.

"The American Express card," Justin Bieber flashed another wide smile, "don't leave court ordered anger management classes without it."

                  .              .              .

Amadeus sighed again.

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Monday June 23rd

Sent from my iPhone

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