Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lilith-Belfor Axis To Destroy Israel

Lilith-Belfor Axis To Destroy Israel

The sight was somewhat unusual.

A beautiful red headed woman wearing a green evening dress walking alongside a man who looked the part of what a middle-aged Mormon missionary suffering a mid-life crisis might look like if he was trying to recapture the glory days of his youth.

The background was even more unusual.

It was the bombed out remnants of a Syrian town recently hit by Russian war planes.

Back in Washington D.C., U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was pulling his hair out over the possibility of World War III breaking out in Syria.

A Kerry aide was already on the line trying to get hold of Donald Trump to see what colour of spider monkeys' fur the Republican Party Presidential front runner used for his hair pieces.

Another Kerry aide was trying to get hold of President Obama to stop the outbreak of World War III.

But President Obama was already on another line trying to deal with what he considered a far more pressing issue- trying to arrange a diplomatic tete a tete between Sir Elton John and Russian President Vladimir Putin to resolve their differences on the issue of gay rights.

Meanwhile back in the bombed out ruins of the Syrian town, the woman in the green evening dress spoke to the middle-aged Mormon missionary looking man who looked to be suffering a mid-life crisis.

"Well," the ancient Babylonian vampiress Lilith asked, "what do you think?".

"Well," CIA agent Bob Belfor answered, "it looks like the Russian Air Force have inflicted damage unlike our Air Force when we hit Islamic State targets. The only time we get it right on target on IS  is when we're supposed to be dropping supplies to our allies and we end up dropping them safe and intact into Islamic State hands by mistake."

"Yes, you Americans seem to be bungling this war quite nicely," Lilith looked around.

"We try our best," Belfor smiled.

"But the reason I called you here," Lilith drew closer to Belfor, "is can you arrange an incident to happen between Russia and the Israelis?".

Lilith had made it her life long vampiric mission to destroy the nation of Israel ever since rabbinic commentators had slandered her good name in the Babylonian Talmud.

As for the mid-life crisis suffering CIA agent Bob Belfor, he wasn't too pleased with the Israelis either ever since the Mossad agent code named the Controller of The Golem had referred to him Bob Belfor as a "total jackass" at an international secret agents' cocktail party in Geneva 5 years ago.

"I think," Bob Belfor grinned, "that can be arranged."

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Wednesday September 30th

Sent from my iPhone

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