Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Billionaire Ancient Egyptian Vampire Set Sets Out To Rule The World

The billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set sat in his study looking at his Renaissance globe of the world and contemplating the state of the world.

At least now he wouldn't have to worry about his brother Osiris returning to Earth and upsetting his plans.

Thanks to a laser death ray blast from a Russian atomic sub, the particles of Osiris were all floating around the universe somewhere to the tune of that old song, "I fall to pieces..."

His own shapeshifting man/hamster hybrid Renfield R. Renfield he had sent to take care of the Osiris problem had failed.

Renfield thought he could stop Osiris' return by playing a Rihanna song backwards.

"I'd be much more inclined to think he could stop my brother's return by playing a Rihanna song forwards," Set thought.

The billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set hated Rihanna's music.

Set quietly played the melody Greensleeves on his Renaissance lute and thought about how he could now conquer the world with Osiris no longer a threat.

Ever since his tomb had been dug up in Egypt on November 11th, 1918 (the day the First World War ended) and he had escaped, he had longed to rule the world.

One of his adepts Adolf Hitler had come close but he had in the end failed.

Now with the same economic problems facing the world today as had faced the world in the early 1930s, he'd groom another would-be despot to fulfill his plans.

This time he would use a demagogue of the extreme left rather than the extreme right to rule the world since his extreme right choice of the 1930s Adolf Hitler failed him in the mid-1940s.

And he'd use an extreme leftist who was a moderate and a bit more of a democrat than say someone of the personality type of a Josef Stalin.

And he Set had decided on just the right man or rather the left man for him.

He gazed at the photo of far left British Labour MP Magog Rhys Petley.

To be continued.

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