Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cardinal JM In Jerusalem

Cardinal  JM In Jerusalem

The Cardinal known as JM was in Jerusalem.

The Cardinal was a secret worshipper of the Ancient Greek gods Zeus and Apollo.

He was accompanied by his secretary Father Oliver Thomas Wardenclyffe.

They were standing in front of the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

They had managed to sneak past both Israeli soldiers and the Islamic waqf's security guards.

Cardinal JM carried a small statue of the Greek god Zeus and an incense burner.

Father Wardenclyffe carried a knife and a small pig.

Cardinal JM placed the statue of Zeus in front of the al-Aqsa Mosque.

He then placed the incense burner in front of the statue and lit it.

Cardinal JM then held the pig while Father Wardenclyffe slit the pig's throat.

The blood fell to the ground in front of the statue of Zeus.

Cardinal JM intoned, "Oh Great Zeus as your beloved servant Antiochus Epiphanes did in days of old, I consecrate this area and this Mount to your service...

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Tuesday November 26th

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