Monday, December 30, 2013

Amadeus' Dream About A Political Candidates' Meeting

Amadeus' Dream About A Political Candidates' Meeting

Amadeus Emanon was asleep and dreaming that he was at a political candidates' meeting.

The British Liberal Democratic Party were not running a candidate in the riding.

And the British Labour Party candidate was absent after coming down with acute laryngitis after a karaoke evening of trying to sing Beyonce songs with his baritone voice in a neighbourhood pub.

The only candidates present were the British Conservative Party candidate and Renfield R. Renfield representing the British Transhumanist Techno-Progressive Anti-Bio Conservative Party of which he was the founder and leader.

The meeting chairman called on the Conservative candidate to speak first.

"Well speaking as a Conservative candidate," the Conservative candidate began, "I just droll on... and on... never letting anybody get a word in edgewise... until I froth at the mouth and fall over backwards..."

The Conservative Party candidate then proceeded to do just that.

As he was carried away on a stretcher into a waiting ambulance, the meeting chairman then called on Renfield to speak.

"Well speaking as a psychopathic hypersexualized serial womanizer," Renfield began,  "which a woman called me in a recent Facebook posting..."

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Sunday December 29th

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