Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Frog In The Presidential Palace

A Frog In The Presidential Palace

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was walking through the 1,150 rooms of the new Turkish Presidential Palace in Ankara.

As he was walking through the rooms, he was daydreaming in his mind of a referendum in which the populace of Turkey unanimously voted to have him declared Sultan of Turkey.

Today Sultan of Turkey, tomorrow Caliph of the entire world.

Erdogan entered the conservatory which contained luscious plants and artificial waterfalls.

He suddenly noticed a little green frog sitting on one of the plants near the waterfalls.

The frog croaked, "Ribbit, ribbit."

Erdogan hurriedly left the conservatory and went to one of the Presidential Palace guards.

Said Erdogan to the guard, "There's a little green frog in that room and he croaked 'Ribbit, ribbit' to me. Check him out."

The guard went into the room and noticed a little green frog sitting on a lily pad near one of the waterfalls.

The frog opened his mouth and said, "I am Nimrod."

The guard went out into the hall and addressed Erdogan.

"I saw the frog," said the guard, "but he didn't say 'Ribbit, ribbit', he said, 'I am Nimrod'."

"Nonsense you idiot," Erdogan foamed, "Frogs don't have the power of speech. Have you been drinking on the job? Although as a good Muslim, you shouldn't be drinking off the job either."

Erdogan went into the room and approached the frog.

"Well say, 'Ribbit, ribbit'," ordered Erdogan.

The frog opened his mouth and said, "Rabbit, rabbit."

Erdogan left the room in a huff and went up to the guard.

"Did he say 'Ribbit, ribbit'?" The guard asked.

"No, he said, 'Rabbit, rabbit'," Erdogan replied white as a ghost.

A little white bunny rabbit hopped out of the conservatory room behind Erdogan and then proceeded to hop through the rest of the 1,150 rooms of the Turkish Presidential Palace.

The little green frog followed.

To be continued.

- A vampire novel chapter
  written by Christopher
  Wednesday, March 11th

Sent from my iPhone

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