Friday, November 16, 2012

Incident On Washington State/British Columbia Border

"Hello, Amadeus," the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set was phoning his employee from London, England, "I'd like to speak to Renfield."

"Renfield isn't here at the moment," Amadeus combed his hair in front of a mirror in his Vancouver hotel room, "he's been arrested at U.S. Customs on the British Columbia/Washington state border and charged with distributing pornography to U.S. government officials."

"I heard he had inadvertently emailed a photo of himself topless to the new General Secetary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping," Set spoke, "but how is that distributing pornography to U.S. government officials?".

"It turns out that instead of emailing those topless photos of himself to Jill Kelley and Paula Broadwell," Amadeus opened his hotel room window, "he hit the wrong button on his iPhone twice. One topless photo he sent to the private email address of Xi Jinping and the other photo of himself topless he inadverently sent to the private email address of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

On the TV in Amadeus' hotel room, a shocked looking former U.S. President Bill Clinton was sitting at a desk being interviewed by CNN's Piers Morgan.

Whined Clinton, "It was always in the back of my mind that Hillary might want to get back at me for Monica but I never thought she'd sink this low..."

On the screen behind Piers Morgan and Bill Clinton was displayed a large photo of a topless looking Renfield R. Renfield.

To be continued.

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