Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Apophis Flies By and Nixon's 100th Birthday

The London-based billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set was fuming mad.

Namely because a 300 metre wide asteroid called Apophis was flying by Earth today.

He wasn't mad at the fact that an asteroid was flying by Earth at a safe distance of 14 million kilometres (although some scientists calculated it might smash into Earth on April 13th 2029 while other scientists calculate it might smash into Earth on April 13th 2036).

He was mad at the fact that the asteroid was named after Apophis the Egyptian demon of darkness and destruction.

"Apophis was a pansy when compared with me," Set seethed.

He Set after all had been the god of darkness and chaos in the ancient Egyptian pantheon.

He didn't enjoy sharing his celestial responsibilities with a pansy like Apophis.

He was quite capable of looking after darkness and chaos himself without any help from a would-be Beverly Hills hairdresser like Apophis.

Why didn't they name an asteroid after him?

He would write to Britain's Royal Astronomical Society about this grave injustice.

                                           *          *         *

Magog Rhys Petley was watching the BBC World News when the announcer said that today would have been former U.S. President Richard Nixon's 100th birthday.

"In honour of the occasion," the announcer smiled, "we will now observe 18 and a half minutes of silence."

To be continued.

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