Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Radio News Reports and The Park Avenue Billionaire

Radio News Reports and The Park Avenue Billionaire

The mysterious billionaire sat behind the  dark curtains in his Park Avenue New York City  penthouse apartment, drank Jasmine tea with a pinch of Arizona sagebrush and listened to the news on the radio.

"Russia will respond if its interests in Ukraine are attacked says Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov...

U.S. President Barack Obama says that the U.S. will support Japan in its territorial dispute with China over the Senkaku Islands (called Diaoyu Islands by China)  in the East China Sea under the terms of Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Co-Operation and Security... the U.S. 's mutual  Defence  pact with Japan...

South Korea has announced that North Korea may conduct a nuclear test during President Obama's upcoming visit to the Korean Peninsula...

In the Palestinian territories, Hamas and Fatah have announced a reconciliation deal and will form a unity government in the upcoming weeks...

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called off further peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority...

The first contingent of U.S. troops has entered Poland for joint military exercises with Poland in the midst of tensions with Russia over Ukraine...

In another incident, the Air Forces of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark all scrambled their fighter jets after Russian military aircraft were spotted approaching their airspace..."

The Park Avenue billionaire gurgled happily as he sipped his tea...

All was definitely going according to plan.

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Wednesday April 23rd

Sent from my iPhone

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