Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Captain Jack Sparrow: A Poem

Captain Jack Sparrow:  A Poem

He was not mummified dead like a Pharaoh
He was a pirate- this Captain Jack Sparrow
The wittiest pirate e'er to sail the Seven Seas
And as pirates go, he aims to please.

Vagabond, philosopher, adventurer he be
most at home on the Caribbean Sea
when he decided to give pirating a whirl
he took for his ship The Black Pearl.

When taking Aztec gold brought with it a curse
what happened to his crew was for the worse
A skeleton crew they be
doors they unlock with a skeleton key.

For Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner
their love would not be put on the back burner
even Davy Jones' locker could not tear them apart
and Captain Jack found Davy Jones' heart.

Captain Barbossa regains The Black Pearl
as everything starts to unfurl
at World's End
driving ships around the bend.

And The Black Pearl becomes a ship in a bottle- that be the truth
but Jack has the map to the Fountain of Youth
Hector Barbossa now works for King George
but not the one whose troops the Yanks fought near Valley Forge
Barbossa has a weapon to peg
which he uses in place of his leg
And Blackbeard seeks the Fountain of Youth
whose waters he'd drink like a pleasant Vermouth
Blackbeard's daughter Angelica is a woman scorned
Jack beware!- You've been forewarned
other women slapped you in the face
but this woman's heart holds a special place.

With mermaid's tears in the chalice,
Angelica lives
while her father Blackbeard dies, say what gives?
Captain Jack has pulled one of his tricks
so Edward Teach now crosses the River Styx.

And Angelica on an island Jack does place
where voodoo doll washes up devoid of grace.

There's a sequel in the works- have no fear
no need like a mermaid to shed a tear
Captain Jack will be back
some woman's heart will be black
and there will be another tale to tell
of sailing ships from Hell
and ocean waves that swell
and whatever you do!-
this much be true
don't call him Jack-
he's "Captain" Jack to you.

-A poem written
 by Christopher
 Tuesday June 10th
 inspired by the character
 of Captain Jack Sparrow
 and The Pirates of The Caribbean

Sent from my iPhone

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