Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Amadeus Emanon and Pan Deux At A Saint Ninian's Day Debate On Scottish Independence

Amadeus Emanon and Pan Deux At A Saint Ninian's Day Debate On Scottish Independence

"What's in a name?"  William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for The Eildon Hills asked his Scottish audience in Edinburgh at a Saint Ninian's Day debate on Scottish independence.

Saint Ninian (360-432 AD) was the first Apostle of Christianity in Scotland.

William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas was of course speaking for the pro-independence Yes Scotland side of the Scottish independence debate.

His opponent on this occasion was Welsh werewolf British Labour MP Magog Rhys Petley (who was a sitting Welsh member of the Westminster Parliament in London) who was speaking for the No side anti-independence UK Better Together movement.

"Scotland the Brave," William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas shouted, "as the song title says.   My fellow Scots, be brave as our forefathers who fought the tyrant Edward I of England were brave.  Be brave as our forefathers who fought for Bonnie Prince Charlie at Culloden were brave. Be brave and vote yes to a free and independent Scotland this September 18th. Be brave as we know Scotland surely is. Scotland the Brave! Yes, Scotland."

William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas left the stage with one fist raised in the air.

He received a standing ovation from his audience with the exception of the members of the Orange Order who sat on their hands.

Tears ran down the cheeks of the Orange Order members' faces.

Not due to anything that William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas said.

They were still mourning the recent death of the Rev. Ian Paisley of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The moderator of the debate then called on the man who would be championing the Orange Order's cause this afternoon- the far-left hardline Marxist-Leninist British Labour MP Magog Rhys Petley.

Magog went up the platform to the microphone.

He recognized a few people in the crowd.

Among the familiar faces was one Amadeus Emanon the personal concert pianist to the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set whom he had met on a few occasions.

Another was Pan Deux a Scottish bagpiper who seemed to have really hairy almost goat like legs under his tartan kilt.

Pan Deux had been quite literally driven out of the City of London as his incessant bagpipe playing had kept most of the city awake at night.

As a result Pan Deux took the high road and went up to Scotland where his talents were far more appreciated and he had since embraced the Scottish independence movement.

As Magog continued to look around, he spotted Sangita Patel Douglas the lovely wife of his debate opponent William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas.

She looked resplendently beautiful and incredibly sexy in her lilac coloured blouse, short red tartan skirt, black silk fishnet pantyhose and red spiked stiletto high-heeled shoes.

Magog felt himself becoming sexually aroused which was a problem for the Welsh werewolf British Labour MP because every time he became sexually aroused, he turned into a werewolf.

The particular lycanthropy virus that he carried had this effect- he not only turned into a werewolf during the full moon but also whenever he became sexually aroused.

The antidote for the particular lycanthropy virus he had was buttermilk

If he drank buttermilk prior to a sexual encounter, he would not turn into a werewolf.

If he drank buttermilk if he unexpectedly became sexually aroused, this would also prevent his turning into a werewolf.

Alas he had not drank any buttermilk beforehand nor did there look to be buttermilk anywhere in the vicinity.

He must get a grip on himself he told himself.

Get himself under control he said to himself.

Stop thinking about sex he ordered his psyche.

"Well," Magog began, "it's as the Baptist couple who had sex while standing up said... 'united we stand, divided we fall'... so too must Britain stand united..."

There were murmurings around the hall as he said this.

"Oh God," the atheistic Marxist MP thought to himself, "what am I thinking?".

He turned to look at Amadeus Emanon and as he did so, he suddenly noticed the New Orleans songstress Angelique Dumont sitting next to him.

She was wearing a stylish black evening dress slit up the side and ravishingly sexy red silk nylons.

"Oh dear," Magog thought to himself.

He was a big fan of the New Orleans actress and singer who appeared in many West End London musicals that he attended just to see her.

Already he could feel the Lon Chaney Jr. Larry Talbot style whiskers appearing on his face and eating and drinking the last of his morning aftershave lotion.

He ran behind the curtain and started howling like a werewolf.

"Mr. Chairman," William Wallace Rob Roy James Stuart Douglas rose to his feet and addressed the debate moderator, "I really must protest this unusual behavior currently being displayed by my opponent the Honourable Member from Westminster.  Such howling and snarling such as coming from backstage is definitely uncalled for. I'd hardly expect such beastly animalistic behavior coming from a Welshman.  I'd expect such ghastly sass from a Sassanach but not a fellow Celt."

"Do something," Sangita Patel Douglas whispered to Pan Deux.

Pan Deux started playing his bagpipes to drown out the sound of the howling and baying at the absent moon coming from backstage.

Amadeus went up on stage and started singing that old Scottish song Donald, Where's Your Troosers?

Unfortunately the only version he knew was his co-employee Renfield R. Renfield's version which was even more colourful and risqué than the original:

"Oh, I went out on the Isle of Skye
I got goosed by a fruity guy
All the laddies say hello
Donald, where's your troosers?

Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low
Flashing my kilt along I go
Waving my dickie to all my friends
Donald, where's your troosers?" .

Edinburgh police were called to quell the ensuing riot as the moderator and chairman declared the debate over and the meeting adjourned.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Tuesday September 16th
  The Feast Day of Saint Ninian

Sent from my iPhone

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