Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Renfield's Post-Election Defeat Stress Disorder

Renfield's Post-Election Defeat Stress Disorder

Renfield R. Renfield the leader of the British Transhumanist Techno-Progressive Anti Bio-Conservative Party was lying on the sofa in the living room.

His eyes were glazed as if he were in a total state of shock (or had been listening to Paris Hilton giving an oral presentation analyzing the Liebestod  in Tristan und Isolde).

Renfield was suffering from PEDSD or Post-Election Defeat Stress Disorder.

All 11 of his independent candidates running on his British Transhumanist Techno-Progressive Anti Bio-Conservative Party platform (including himself) had gone down to defeat in last Thursday's United Kingdom General Election.

Ten of them had wound up in last place in their respective constituencies including himself Renfield R. Renfield.

And he had done the worst of all the candidates running on behalf of his party- he had received only one vote in his constituency of London Collingwood Hills where his boss the billionaire ancient Egyptian Vampire Set's colossal London mansion was located.

This further sent Renfield into a state of agony as if he were receiving a major enema up the bowels of his netherworld.

"Since I know I voted for myself," Renfield wept to Athelstan the mansion's butler and Amadeus Emanon the mansion's resident concert pianist, "since I always vote for the best candidate, what this means is that neither of you nor the Boss voted for me."

Both Athelstan and Amadeus looked at Renfield but said nothing.

The independent candidate for his British Transhumanist Techno-Progressive Anti Bio-Conservative Party who had done the best was the Welsh Vampiress Morgana (a niece of the sorceress Morgan Le Fay of Arthurian fame) who had come in second behind Welsh werewolf British Labour MP Magog Rhys Petley in the Welsh constituency of Newbridge.

Now there was a call among the country's science-fiction loving nerds who made up the bulk of the party's membership that Renfield be dumped as party leader and replaced with Morgana.

So Renfield had rented a Darth Vader costume along with a pair of Mr. Spock ears (that he'd place on either side of his Darth Vader helmet) to give a live webcast speech to the party's membership tonight defending his leadership.

Renfield picked up from the coffee table a copy of the speech he had written to deliver to the party later that evening.

The speech began, "My fellow Transhumanists, I may never have owned a dog called Checkers but I once played the game of Chinese checkers..."

He put down the speech, sat back on the sofa and looked depressed again.

Amadeus put on the radio to listen to the program The Galloping Guru- a self-help and motivational program hosted by a New Age speaker who gave beatitudes of inspiration and enlightenment while riding on a horse through the Tennessee countryside.

As the emergency sound of a train whistle blowing and the anguished neighing of a horse could be heard, this was then followed by a moment of silence.

Then the somewhat agonized voice of the not-so-Galloping Guru spoke while ambulance sirens were heard in the background, "I'm reminded of something Robert Downey Jr. once said... Just because you hit bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there."

"Just because you hit bottom doesn't mean there aren't other movie roles out there besides the male lead in Fifty Shades of Grey either," Renfield remarked in punishing fashion.

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
 written by Christopher
 Tuesday May 12th

Sent from my iPhone

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