Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Dragon On The Moon

The Dragon On The Moon

Signs of a dragon on the moon
the clock has ticked long past noon
The midnight hands now signal doom
and stormy mists rise up in gloom

When I saw you in the sky
millions of souls were about to die
the globe of the world spins by and by
and Earth's last groan is but a sigh

The dragon hovered above the dome
breathing invisible fire over the City of Rome
and while Neptune's sea did spit and foam
many sought the safety of the place called home

Is this dragon dream meant to be
on this blue dot floating in cosmic sea
or are they but shadows of possibility
dark things that befall the world needlessly
when Hate replaces Love as the fruit of Life's tree?

-A poem written by Christopher
  Friday February 5th 2016.

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