Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Cardinal's Secretary

The Cardinal woke up the next morning and headed to his office.

He was still thinking about his conversation with the ancient Greek god Zeus the night before.

The Cardinal was known to others by his initials JM.

Although those initials didn't stand for what people thought they did.

For Cardinal JM was a member of a secret society.

And his moniker in that secret society was Judas Manasseh.

Judas from Judas Iscariot.

And Manasseh from an ancient king of Judah who reigned from 687-643 BC and who restored polytheistic worship into the Temple in Jerusalem and built altars to pagan gods.

As he entered his office, his secretary Father Oliver Thomas Wardenclyffe was waiting for him.

Father Wardenclyffe handed the Cardinal documents relating to the most pressing matters of the day and then left the office.

The Cardinal's secretary Father Wardenclyffe had been an Episcopalian priest in Long Island, New York for most of his life.

Ironically it was in 2005 the same year that John Paul II had died and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger had been elected Pope Benedict XVI that Father Wardenclyffe had left the U.S. Episcopal Church and had joined the Roman Catholic Church studying to become a Catholic priest.

Father Wardenclyffe had gone to Rome for his priestly studies where he met Cardinal JM.

Cardinal JM had taught a course on the astronomical theories of Giordano Bruno (who had been burnt at the stake as a heretic by the Church back in 1600) which was an option at the seminary where Father Wardenclyffe had studied.

When Father Wardenclyffe was ordained a Catholic priest in 2009, the Cardinal invited him to be his secretary.

Ironically 2009- the same year that Father Wardenclyffe had been ordained a Roman Catholic priest- was the same year that Pope Benedict XVI issued his Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus  inviting groups of Anglicans to enter Personal Ordinariates in full communion with the Bishop of Rome.

Father Wardenclyffe was actually quite upset by Benedict's issuing of that document.

"Those enemies of progress that the Pope has invited to enter the Church hold on to such unworthy pieces of antediluvian trash such as the Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible," Father Wardenclyffe snivelled.

The Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible were never read or said aloud in the services Father Wardenclyffe had held in his Episcopal Church on Long Island, New York.

Cardinal JM smiled as he reflected on this.

He went to his desk and started phoning his fellow Cardinals to push them to vote for the papabile of his choice- the man who as Pope would abandon Christ and re-embrace the ancient pagan gods of old.

Meanwhile Father Oliver Thomas Wardenclyffe went to his personal chapel where he prayed in front of a statue of Hecate the ancient Greek goddess of witchcraft.

To be continued.

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