Friday, February 13, 2009


Just another Valentine's Day.

Just another Saturday night.

Except it was a Saturday night that was a Valentine's Day.

And once again Cupid was working.

Valentine's Day.

It was his one big day of the year.

Santa Claus had Christmas.

The Easter Bunny had Easter.

And Al Gore had April Fool's Day.

But this, Cupid thought, this was his day.

This was his moment, this was his time.

To paraphrase Barack Obama.

Cupid set out for the nearest nightclub with his arrows.

After a short kerfuffle with the bouncer, he drew back an arrow and shot the bouncer in the heart.

Just as a male ballet dancer wearing pink tutus arrived on the scene.

The tattooed muscle bound bouncer ran after the pink tutued
male ballet dancer who shouted, "Help! "Help!".

Cupid entered the nightclub.

He noticed a girl with pink hair sitting up at the bar.

"Hey Psyche," the bartender said to the pink haired girl, "what will it be?".

"A Pink Lady," Psyche replied.

Cupid shot his arrow at Psyche.

"Now for the bartender," he thought.

But he was having problems getting the arrow into his bow...

and he accidently shot himself in the heart.

Psyche gazed at Cupid.

And Cupid gazed at Psyche.

And after so many eons, Cupid himself now had a girlfriend.


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