Thursday, May 12, 2011

Renfield's Dream of the Soup Nazi and Osama bin Laden

As Renfield R. Renfield lay still unconscious in his hospital bed in King's College Hospital, London, Michelangelo the psychic lobster (who had been genetically engineered to have psychic abilities) was in his aquarium in the Set Enterprises' Lab.

At the computer Michelangelo had one of his antennae hooked up to, Michelangelo decided to enter Renfield's mind and implant images in his dreams.

The first image was from a TV show- a rerun of an old Seinfeld episode.

The episode about the Soup Nazi.

The image Renfield saw in his dream was of the Soup Nazi taking away a bowl of soup from George Costanza.

The Soup Nazi wagged his finger at George Costanza and said, "No soup for you."

The next image Michelangelo created himself and implanted in Renfield's mind.

The image was of Osama bin Laden standing outside the Gates of Paradise only to be greeted by the Archangel Gabriel.

"Where are the 72 dark-eyed virgins that the Quran promised me?" Osama asked.

The Archangel Gabriel wagged his finger at Osama and said, "No virgins for you."

He then booted the terrorist down to the flames of Hell.

Renfield R. Renfield was forced to guffaw in his sleep as he saw this.

To be continued.

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