Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Renfield The Composer?

"What are you doing?" Amadeus asked Renfield as he ate the 11th of his two dozen chocolate eclairs.

"I'm analyzing the Greek debt situation for the boss," Renfield replied, "plus I just discovered that the Aztec vampire princess Qonzilqointec is apparently behind the Occupy Wall Street protests so I'm doing an analysis of her motives for the boss."

"What are you writing in that music notation book?" Amadeus asked.

"Well in my own humble opinion, I've come to the conclusion that I can be just as great a composer as your namesake and part genetic sire Amadeus Mozart," Renfield answered, "so I'm composing some music."

"I'd hate to see what you'd try to accomplish if you were acting on behalf of your not so humble opinion," Amadeus downed the 12th eclair.

"Exactly," Renfield grinned, "I'm writing a duet for bagpipes and harmonica."

"I think that may be a duet for which the world is not yet prepared," Amadeus paraphrased an allusion Sherlock Holmes once made to the Giant Rat of Sumatra.

To be continued.

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