Saturday, March 2, 2013

Darkened Streets and Cuban Cigars And What Shadowy Symbols Foretell

On a darkened street walked Magog Rhys Petley
smoking a Cuban cigar once given to him by Fidel Castro
his Marxist brother-in-arms.
Underneath a window of the darkened street
a light shone down upon him
it shone through the crossbars of a window
The crossbars forming the shape of the Cross
and as the light edged down towards the cigar smoke
of Magog' s cigar
it seemed to form the shape of an upside down Cross
over Petley's head
an upside down Cross where smoke and light intercepted
over the head of the Welshman who was a werewolf.
The Cross- symbol of Christ.
The Upside Down Cross- symbol of Antichrist.
And Magog Rhys Petley continued to walk...
to walk towards his destiny...
Although maybe his destiny is foretold
in that shadow that formed over where light and smoke
in that one moment in time.

-A poem about Welsh werewolf British Labour MP
 Magog Rhys Petley
 written by Christopher 
 Saturday evening March 2nd 2013

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