Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lorry Accident and Possible Injured Animal On The Road

Barry Wilson was a distribution agent for a Lincolnshire County based brewery which brewed many types of ale.

He was on his daily drive from pub to pub throughout the County which served his brewery's ales to take orders and arrange deliveries.

As he passed through the intersection of a country crossroads, he noticed that a lorry had turned over in the ditch.

Police and ambulance were on the scene but it didn't look like the lorry driver was hurt, thank goodness.

On the road lay a blanket covering the upper part of a body.

The lower part of the body was animal legs so some animal must have been hurt in the crash.

Loads of glass and cardboard could be seen all over the road.

So much glass, Barry thought.

Barry wondered jokingly if the animal had been in some sort of giant test tube when the crash occurred and that's why there was so much glass on the road.

Barry shook his head.

He had been watching too many mad scientist horror movies from the 1930s on late night television.

Was the animal dead or just injured? Barry wondered.

He remembered as a kid how when he visited his grandparents' farm and there was an animal who was sick or injured, his grandmother always used to tell him to ask Saint Francis of Assisi in the Communion of Saints in Heaven to pray for the animal as Saint Francis was always kind and helpful to both people and animals during his lifetime here on Earth.

Yes, Barry reflected, if you need help, better ask for help from a Francis in heaven as there didn't seem to be any sign of a Francis on earth.

On his car radio, the BBC Radio News Announcer announced that white smoke was appearing over the Vatican indicating that a new pope had just been elected...

To be continued. 

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