Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Drunken Magog and Barking Amadeus

Magog Rhys Petley the Welsh werewolf British Labour Party MP had become extremely intoxicated (having downed several whiskeys) while listening to Renfield sing his original song about a serial killer the night before.

So Renfield took Magog back to the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set's mansion as his boss was wanting to have a meeting with the Welsh Labour MP anyways.

Renfield let Magog sleep it off in the guest bedroom as no doubt his boss was probably wanting to meet Mr. Rhys Petley when he was sober.

As Magog Rhys Petley sang out the old Communist anthem the Internationale in his sleep, Renfield looked out the window overseeing the back yard to see what his friend Amadeus was up to.

Amadeus was running around the back yard on all fours and barking like a dog.

The past two weeks he had spent in the dog house in the back yard was finally getting to him.

His two weeks in the dog house had been a punishment meted out to him for his carelessness by his boss Set.

So this evening Amadeus ran around on all fours and barked like a dog.

Mind you, Amadeus was probably the only dog in the neighbourhood who could bark out a series of barks that sounded like the tune to Mozart's Ein Kleine Nachtmusik.

To be continued.

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