Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Amadeus Faces Set For His Final Punishment

Amadeus Emanon had spent the past few weeks in the doghouse as punishment for having the wrong packages delivered to the wrong addresses at the Set Enterprises Laboratories' loading docks.

The result was Set Enterprises lost possession of a $250 million genetically created hybrid.

The creature was probably dead as a result of being in a lorry accident in northern England (where it did not belong but ended up due to Amadeus' carelessness) and the body presumably stolen.

What a waste of a good hybrid! Renfield R. Renfield thought to himself as he tossed a flyer in the garbage announcing a performance of Nero Wilson and The Cleveland Cleavers at a London nightclub.

Renfield's job was now to present Amadeus to his boss the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set as he sat on his judgement throne in his mansion's Egyptian underworld replica room.

It was of course Set's brother Osiris who was the judge of the dead in the Egyptian underworld but in this replica world of Set's, he had usurped his brother's position.

Set on his judgement throne was going to pronounce Amadeus' final punishment for his carelessness.

Spending three weeks in the doghouse in the Estate's backyard was apparently not sufficient enough punishment for Amadeus in Set's opinion.

So now Set was going to pronounce Amadeus' final punishment.

Renfield's job was to escort Amadeus to the Judgement Seat of Set.

Renfield had brought along his revolver with him just on the off chance Set's final judgement was to have Amadeus shot with a revolver at the back of the head.

Renfield was actually hoping that Set would not pronounce the punishment of death- an unusual feeling for Renfield who usually relished in the killing of people- but through the years Renfield had actually grown fond of his fellow genetically cloned sidekick- despite the latter having an un-psychopathic nature that Renfield absolutely could not comprehend.

Renfield and Amadeus stood in front of Set's judgement seat. To the right of Set's throne stood Set's valet Athelstan dressed in the garb of an Egyptian high priest. Athelstan held a cup of Socrates' Brand Hemlock just on the off chance Set decided to be merciful.

Set was robed in the dress of the judge of the dead.

He said in a booming voice, "Amadeus Emanon..."

Amadeus shook as he answered, "Yes, sir?".

"You will now receive the Final Punishment for your offense of carelessness..."
he rose from the throne and stood up to his full height of 6 feet 6.

Amadeus continued to quiver.

Set grabbed Amadeus by the throat and his long fingernails pressed against Amadeus' skin, "I'm going to..."

His voice echoed throughout the hall as he paused...

"... take away your Superman comic book collection."

Amadeus burst into tears.

To be continued.

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