Wednesday, May 29, 2013

World's Oldest Torah Scroll Found In Italy and Russian S-300 Missiles In Syria

"If Russia delivers these S-300 missiles to Syria, we are in big trouble," Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said to his aide Uri.

"On another matter, the world's oldest complete scroll of the Torah may have been found at the University of Bologna in Italy," said his aide Uri.

"With all due respect to the Torah whose writings I love," said the Defence Minister, "what does that have to do with our national defence and security?".

Uri explained that the manuscript was originally thought to date only to the 17th Century but after carbon dating tests, the University said the texts may have been written down more than 850 years ago.

Plus Uri pointed out that the script in writing the scroll was that of the oriental Babylonian tradition meaning that the scroll must indeed be extremely old.

Then Uri went on another reason for the dating is that the text had many features forbidden in later copies of the Torah under rules laid down by the great Jewish scholar and philosopher Moses Maimonides in the 12th Century.

The Israeli Defence Minister repeated his earlier question.

"Well, sir," Uri coughed, "I can't say with absolute certainty but I've been told that there's the possibility that a commentator's footnote in this early text might actually have some relevancy to the current possibility of Russia putting S-300 missiles in Syria."

"You're kidding me," the Defence Minister looked at Uri in shock.

"No, sir," Uri shook his head, "I keep getting Intelligence reports that there are things of a bizarrely supernatural nature going on in Syria at the moment. In fact, our Mossad is trying to get its hands on the document but there are reports that a recent British MI-6 document examining the current situation in Syria is turning white the hair of everyone who reads it."

"I thought we were going to discuss matters pertaining to national defence," Moshe Yaalon sighed, "instead I feel like I've walked into an episode of that wild and crazy American TV show The X Files."

To be continued.

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