Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pan Goatee and Neb-Senu

Pan Goatee the serial killing satyr

pan piper and roller skater

half-man half-goat

he'll slit your throat

or maybe your gut

leaving you in a rut

but if you've got one testicle

he'll spare your nut

he is wanted by DARPA

because without a magic carpa'

he can astral project

like invisible stealth jet

and wander across the globe

cutting off an ear lobe

and then added it to Van Gogh's self-portrait

causing museum curators to have a fit

and now he's in a museum again

like it's his personal play pen

saying to the statue of Neb-Senu

who some propose to hold down with glue,

"Come astral project with me."

Statue replied, "But first I have to pee."

In the Manchester Museum's washroom a great commotion

as Egyptian statue sings, "Come on do the locomotion..."

-written by Christopher
 Friday afternoon
 June 28th 2013.

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