Thursday, July 4, 2013

Renfield and Amadeus Attend The Lone Ranger Opening And Talk Philosophy

Renfield R. Renfield and Amadeus Emanon were sitting in a movie theatre awaiting the start of the new Johnny Depp movie The Lone Ranger.

Renfield was wearing a t-shirt that said GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER PSYCHOPATH.

"If there's anyone who's a master at getting in touch with their inner psychopath, it's you," Amadeus remarked as he munched on some hot buttered popcorn.

"Thanks," Renfield grinned.

"Can you do a Johnny Depp impersonation?" Amadeus asked out of curiosity.

"No, I can't," Renfield tried talking like Captain Jack Sparrow but failed miserably.

"I've heard there's a Malaysian woman living in Germany who can do a pretty good Johnny Depp impersonation," Amadeus broke his licorice stick into crumbs and put it on top of his popcorn.

"Really?" Renfield took a bottle out of his pocket and poured an ounce of vodka into his theatre container of Pepsi, "That can't be true because I haven't heard that."

"You mean truth is dependent upon what you personally see and hear?" Amadeus asked.

"Yes," Renfield smiled,  "I'm the ultimate existentialist philosopher."

Renfield's remark was greeted with total silence in the theatre (although a Zen master might have interpreted it as the sound of one hand clapping).

To be continued.

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