Wednesday, July 10, 2013

America's Latest Secret Weapon

"You're looking pretty pleased with yourself,"  Amadeus remarked to Renfield.

"I'm up to my old tricks again,"  Renfield grinned,  "there's an emergency meeting of the Russian cabinet in the Kremlin over an explosive new revelation found in the leaked Edward Snowden files.  So I hacked into the Kremlin computer and inserted my own explosive revelation.  Heh!  Heh!  Heh!"

"Renfield, what did you do?" Amadeus said as he sat down at the piano to play a little night music during the daytime.

                      .         .          .

Russian President Vladimir Putin looked pensive and concerned as did the members of his cabinet as they sat down at the large conference table in one of the Kremlin meeting halls.

"Gentlemen," the head of Russia's FSB Intelligence and Espionage Service spoke with great solemnity,  "I  give you America's latest secret weapon."

He turned on the projector and projected a large photographic image on to the screen in front of them.

Gasps of shock and horror were heard around the conference table.

"Even Ronald Reagan would never have done this," wept a longtime Kremlin official whose years of service went back to the days of the Cold  War.

There on the screen was a larger than life photograph...

... of Arizona Sen. John McCain in the nude.

"Well,"  Vladimir Putin pushed aside his plate of caviar, "there goes my lunch."

                     .          .              .

On the television screen was the face of CNN's Anderson Cooper,  "Does America's latest secret weapon involve causing people to lose their appetite?  Details on this story later tonight..."

To be continued.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Wednesday afternoon
July 10th 2013

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