Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Unicorn

The Unicorn

In the Blue Canadian Rockies
of which Vera Lynn so magnificently sang
today Dracul Van Helsing wandered not on the banks of Lake Louise of which she sang
but a mountain stream near Banff
frozen with ice and covered by majestic white snow
The trees had now shed their autumn fashions of gold, red and rusty brown
in exchange for coverings of luminous white
which sparkled and sang silent songs of praise
in honour of Jack Frost their designer.

This fairy tale world seen in snow globes
now come alive in reality
The occasional deer walked by
and Dracul bowed in greeting to these majestic creatures.

They stared at him strangely
wondering why he didn't hold up small objects that flashed light
the way other creatures of his kind did when they saw us- we deer folk

But for Dracul- a glimpse of these majestic creatures with his eyes was enough
They would go as images to the camera that was his memory
No need to make idols of these gentle creatures and post their images on the walls of Temples called Facebook and Instagram
For they were not gods
The deer knew they were not gods
Only foolish creatures of Dracul's own kind fancied themselves gods
and thought they could impart this godhood by a Benediction of a flash of light shot forth by these tiny objects they carried.

And so Dracul walked along the path
which followed the snow covered brook
An occasional snow white covered rabbit hopped by and looked at him
They reminded him of his friend from many years back- Jack O' Hare
They looked, said Hello with their eyes and then hopped off their respective ways

Dracul knelt down by the brook
to glance at an open spot of flowing water
amidst the snow and the ice
He looked down at the reflection in the water
and that's when he saw it- the shiny white silver horn that sparkled and glistened despite the lack of sun in the wintery cloud swept day
He looked up
and there stood a horse of pure white
truly as white as the fallen snow.

And on its head a single horn
whose luminosity would outshine the magnificence of any jewel in any crown
The majestic creature looked at Dracul
And Dracul looked at the majestic creature.

Their eyes met
a reading of souls
The Unicorn felt Dracul's pain and sorrow
The thorns that had pierced his heart, soul and mind the past few years
And Dracul felt the Unicorn's love and peace.

There were some who said the Unicorn no longer existed
There were many who said the Unicorn never existed
There was one- the Transhumanist scientist Dr. Cadbury Rocher
who thought he could through DNA manipulation
genetically create a Unicorn.

The foolishness of these fancies born of cynicism and sheer materialism
And the phantasms that might spring from the mind of megalomania and hubris
They were nothing when compared to the real thing-
the real Unicorn.

The Unicorn imparted his blessing, bowed and went on its way
Dracul walked on with a feeling
of what it felt the first Christmas Day.

-A Dracul Van Helsing poem
 written by Christopher
 Tuesday December 8th

Sent from my iPhone

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