Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ziegevolk: A Poem

Ziegevolk:  A Poem

The lights are dim
reach for Brothers Grimm
a book on the antiquated shelf
right next to a plastic elf.

Open the volume of ancient lore
cast the spell and open the door
The woods are peopled with these Bluebeard folk
who eat amphibious toads while frogs croak
These goat people known as Ziegevolk
never appear in ads for Coke
unlike the jolly fellow in the red suit
they wear clothes black as chimney soot

These goat people are quite horny
their pick up lines really corny
They emit many pheromones
as well as bedroom groans.

On nights just before Christmas the Ziegevolk Titus arises
a Bluebeard full of surprises
He slays people left and right
with sword held in hand so tight
The snow is blood red
and many lay dead
not a living soul
by the village pole
no one left to pay the tavern bill
for these dead folk who drank their fill

Titus was a tavern keeper's worst nightmare
he slew the customers before they paid their fare
A bleak Christmas for all
thanks to Titus' gall.

-A Christmas poem
 about Ziegevolk
 written by Christopher
Sunday December 20th

Sent from my iPhone

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