Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Bunny Machine

They called him the Bunny Machine
this creature snow white clean
in winter that is
say what gives?
In summer he's brown
this hare about town.

How does Richard Dawkins explain it?
Suggests intelligent design d'aint it?
But Darwinists must resort to illogic and Hume*
laying their brains down at Reason's tomb.
From inanimate life comes life
and then with little more strife
comes fins then legs
and then birds' eggs
from amoeba to frog
and someday a prince
from gorilla to a man
using dental rinse.
In childhood we called these fairy tales
but for evolutionists
it's evidence that tips the scales.

But Jack O'Hare hops and hops
his big bunny ears flops and flops
his colours protect in winter and summer
the fox sighs, what a bummer
and Richard Dawkins
looks dumber and dumber.

-written by Dracul Van Helsing
Wednesday, March 11th 2009

*Hume- a reference to David Hume a totally idiotic philosopher of the 18th Century
and therefore a big hero of Richard Dawkins.

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