Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lake Avalon

King Arthur and Merlin stood on the banks of Lake Avalon.

"So that's incredible how in your library you found a book that says there's a sword that makes its owner invincible in battle and that it was to be found at the bottom of Lake Avalon that's only a hop, skip and a jump from Camelot," Arthur smiled.

"Actually Lake Avalon is more than a hop, skip and a jump from Camelot," Merlin panted heavily because he was out of breath, "it's in fact 4 miles from Camelot."

"So that really isn't much," Arthur smiled as the sunset glowed over the icy mirror of Lake Avalon.

"Speak for yourself," Merlin gasped.

"I hope when you made your analysis of how to get at the sword," King Arthur looked at Merlin, "you took into account that Lake Avalon is frozen in January."

"That I did, Majesty," Merlin glared at Arthur, "I'm not a total moron. If I was, I'd be your Chancellor."

"That's not a nice thing to say about Sir Kay," Arthur laughed.

"Not nice but true, nevertheless," Merlin reached for his staff and pulled himself up into a standing position again.

"I depend on your honesty, Merlin," Arthur smiled, "now that I'm king, people try to flatter me. But a king, in order to be a good ruler for his people, needs words of honesty and wisdom more than flattery."

"In that case, your Majesty," Merlin spoke with authority, "if it's honesty and wisdom rather than flattery you require, I really think you should fire your barber."

"Fire my barber? Why?" Arthur gasped.

"Because your haircut is atrocious," Merlin replied.

"Really?" Arthur went over and gazed at his reflection in the crystal clear icy mirror that was Lake Avalon, "my God you're right."

"Majesty," Merlin pulled some small objects out of his sack, "take these ten white pebbles and then throw them in different directions over the lake."

"All right," Arthur reached for the pebbles and did as Merlin directed.

The pebbles as they fell caused cracks to form in the ice and the ice soon dissolved.

The lake was now crystal clear liquid as the sun set and the moon rose.

To be continued.

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