Sunday, April 11, 2010

News Of A Tragic Plane Crash For Poland

Dracul Van Helsing lay in bed with huge bite marks on his neck.

The Vampiress Morgana was debating whether she should fly back out the window.

She suddenly realized she had left her lipstick on the drawer near Dracul's side of the bed.

She reached over to pick it up.

As she did so, her hand brushed against the TV remote.

BBC News came on talking about the tragic plane crash that had killed Poland's President Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria and the leaders of all four branches of Poland's military forces as well as the security forces.

Dracul woke up and listened.

Morgana was puzzled by the peculiar far-off distant expression on his face.

"What are you thinking?" she asked in a voice sounding more genuine and authentic than the latest spliced voice-over of the latest Tiger Woods TV commercial.

"The assassination of an Austrian Arch Duke on a warm day in early summer in the small city of Sarajevo in 1914 led to World War I within the space of little over a month," Dracul replied, "I don't know but I can't help thinking that this tragedy for Poland will soon turn into a tragedy for the entire world as well. Not only has Poland's President died but all the country's top military leadership as well. I can't help but think this is going to have tragic and devastating consequences for Europe and the entire world."

Morgana looked at Dracul.

This vampiress who was used to worshipping the cruel gods of an ancient Celtic religion suddenly felt afraid.

And in that fear, she was becoming a tad close to feeling truly human again.

To be continued.

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